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Flexitarian Meal Plan

Our flexitarian meal plan makes sticking to a flexitarian diet easy.
Our flexitarian meal plan makes sticking to a flexitarian diet easy.

Flexitarian Meaning

Also known as ‘casual vegetarianism’, a flexitarian is someone who mainly eats vegetarian food, but will incorporate meat and fish occasionally. The term "flexitarian" is a combination of "flexible" and "vegetarian." This allows people who follow a flexitarian diet to to try new things and incorporate more nutrients into their into their diets, while also providing more freedom than a vegetarian or vegan diet would.

<h2>What are the Benefits of Following a Flexitarian Diet? </h2>

What are the Benefits of Following a Flexitarian Diet?

There are so many benefits of following a flexitarian diet. From health benefits to sustainability. We have listed some top benefits here:

  • Improved Health: Eating less meat (particularly red meat) and increasing your consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based proteins may contribute to better heart health, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of certain chronic diseases.
  • Weight Management: A flexitarian diet, which emphasises plant-based foods, may be helpful for weight loss. Plant-based diets are often associated with lower calorie intake, higher fibre content, and improved weight control.
  • Sustainability: Adopting a flexitarian diet can help you in terms of putting your green foot forward. Producing plant-based foods generally has a lower environmental impact compared to raising livestock for meat. Not only this, but reducing your red meat consumption can help lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce deforestation, and conserve water resources.
  • Adaptability: The flexibility of a flexitarian diet makes it easier for individuals to adhere to and sustain over the long term. It allows for personalisation based on individual preferences, cultural influences, and lifestyle factors.
<h2>What Can You Eat on a Flexitarian Diet? </h2>

What Can You Eat on a Flexitarian Diet?

Flexitarians predominantly focus on plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, but they may also include small amounts of meat, fish, dairy, and eggs in their diet. Many people choose to follow a flexitarian diet as it allows them to incorporate different protein sources, eat more fibre and have an overall healthier outlook on life.

Why You’ll Love our Flexitarian Meal Plan

All of the meals are delicious!

With so many ingredients and options available, there’s never any excuse for the flexitarian diet to be without flavour. Our flexitarian ready meals are nutritionally balanced and seasoned to perfection to ensure you get everything you need to keep you fuelled and happy throughout the day.

It’s flexible!

What’s great about flexitarianism is that you don’t have to give up eating meat or other dairy and animal-based products you enjoy. Encouraging you to add more variety to your diet is key here and we provide the perfect mix of taste, quality and nutritional value.

It’s super easy!

When you lead a busy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy diet can be tough. As flexitarianism relies on vegetables and plant-based foods, choosing our meal plans ensures that you are getting all the nutrients you need to keep you going throughout the day. So you can say goodbye to meal prepping and long hours in the kitchen, and hello to delicious and tasty flexitarian ready meals.

All of the meals are delicious!

With so many ingredients and options available, there’s never any excuse for the flexitarian diet to be without flavour. Our flexitarian ready meals are nutritionally balanced and seasoned to perfection to ensure you get everything you need to keep you fuelled and happy throughout the day.

It’s flexible!

What’s great about flexitarianism is that you don’t have to give up eating meat or other dairy and animal-based products you enjoy. Encouraging you to add more variety to your diet is key here and we provide the perfect mix of taste, quality and nutritional value.

It’s super easy!

When you lead a busy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy diet can be tough. As flexitarianism relies on vegetables and plant-based foods, choosing our meal plans ensures that you are getting all the nutrients you need to keep you going throughout the day. So you can say goodbye to meal prepping and long hours in the kitchen, and hello to delicious and tasty flexitarian ready meals.

Our Flexitarian Meal Plan

Our Flexitarian Meal Plan

If you’re confused about what constitutes being a flexitarian, or what kind of meals you should be enjoying on our flexitarian meal plan, we have included an example meal plan of different meals you could enjoy each week while eating nutritionally balanced, sticking to your goals and following a flexitarian diet.

We also have lots of amazing add-ons you can enjoy if you choose our flexitarian meal plan, including snacks and drinks that will help you get all the nutrients you need and even meet your protein goal! We have included some of our favourites below:



Flexitarian Diet FAQs

How often do flexitarians eat meat?

How often flexitarians eat meat comes down to the individual. A lot of flexitarians might incorporate one or two meat meals into their week, where others will only enjoy meat on occasion. That’s why following a flexitarian diet is so great, as it's free from restrictions or rules.

Can you lose weight on a flexitarian diet

You can lose weight on a flexitarian diet if you eat in a calorie deficit. You can find out how many calories you will need to eat to lose weight using a TDEE calculator.If you choose a flexitarian meal plan from Youfoodz to help you lose weight or follow a healthier lifestyle, you can choose the meals that fit perfectly into your calorie intake for the day.

How can I transition to a flexitarian diet?

Start by gradually incorporating more plant-based foods into your meals. Experiment with new vegetarian or vegan recipes, and gradually reduce the frequency of meat consumption. It's a flexible approach, so you can adjust the balance based on your preferences and comfort level.
Is a flexitarian diet suitable for everyone?
Generally, a flexitarian diet can be suitable for most people. However, individual nutritional needs vary, and some medical conditions may require specific dietary restrictions. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet.